Monday, February 6, 2012

2012第二十屆台北國際書展 Day 3 // 2012 Tibe (Taipei Int'l Book Expo) Manga expo! Day 3

今天漫畫展...好多人原本以為最後一天 較少...錯了!
Upon my return to the Manga/Book expo today, I was horrified by what I saw...more after the jump.

今天再次回到台北國際書展...令人驚異竟然更多而且沒有折扣 =.=很多西都賣光了...下一次第一天比較好! 我發現好像花了多錢...我本來有4000塊...現在1000多...恐怖!

 I went back to the Book Expo again today, and was disappointed to see that there were even more people, and no discounts (On the stuff I want, at least). Lots of things were sold out as well... so I guess I will have to go on the first day next time! Still, there were still a few things that caught my attention, and I ended up spending more than day 2...rather scary. I originally had over 4000NT (about 130 USD) in my wallet before the book expo, and now...I've only got 1020 NT left (about 30 USD)... I spent the amount of a 1/8 figure! >_<

Lining up OUTSIDE...ridiculous  木棉花排隊外面...誇張!    



I realized that the Anime/Manga expo of summer actually offers a lot more than the book/manga expo of winter I guess I should save up for August! 

Anyhow,the detailed analysis on what I bought throughout the three days will be up soon. In the meantime, just refer to these pictures.

Wow...that's a lot!  西!

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